Monday, February 27, 2012

Hyun Bin Audio Message for February 2012

It's days of changing a season. It is somewhere border between winter and spring, February.
I am so thankful to communicate with you through this short message in every month.
The most part that I cherish while acting is the communication.
It will turn out the different results as I discuss and share opinions more and more.
After I communicate with the directors and the other actress/actors more closely, good results always follow.
Maybe as an actor gain more experiences, that means it's more comfortable and skillful to communicate with others.
I will pay back my appreciation for you to communicate more often with you who always cheer me up and wait for me.

I Always waiting for you Hyun Bin-ssi, me and all binnies around the world.. may God bless with you always.. please keep save and health... 


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